PEACE WITHIN YOU BY LORD BUDDHA channeled by Regina Sisco

Channeled message from Lord Buddha March 9, 2022 through Regina Sisco


My dear brothers and sisters, it is I Lord Buddha, and I am overjoyed to be with you this evening; honored to be in your presence of those who carry this high frequency of Divine Love, of Purity and Innocence and Grace.  As you know, Peace happens within you.  Cultivating peace within yourself creates the ripple effect for peace around your planet.

I would like you to focus on the Sacred space within your heart – to your triple heart flame.  See it expand to your upper chest area.  I will be sharing a chant with you that you may use to bring Peace back to yourself when needed, and through intention, this may also be anchored into the Earth, into the ley lines, into the Christ Consciousness grid to expand the essence of Peace for all. CHANT BEGINS HERE:

I am the Light. I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light. I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light. I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself…. and you are welcome to join me …..  I am the Light.  I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light. I am the Love. I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light.  I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light.  I am my Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light.  I am the Love.  I am the Peace within the All.  

The Peace is within YOU!  It is nurtured and nourished by YOU.  Peace is cultivated by your choices, by your actions, just as you cultivate joy.  Peace within you, equanimity within you is equally as important as it assists you to maintain the higher vibration, higher frequency, providing stabilization that is needed during these times.  Peace within you is another aspect of the All, and as you are fully aware – You are One with the All and the All is One with you.   You are one with the Peace and the Peace is One with You. You are One with the All and the All is One with You.  You are One with the Peace, and the Peace is One with You. 

My Love and Gratitude to you, dear brothers and sisters for your commitment, for your loving and peaceful heart, to share and anchor these energies for all of your brothers and sisters, and the earth and beyond.  My love to you, I am Lord Buddha.