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DIVINE LOVE AND THE NEW EARTH channeled message by Regina Sisco

3-20-22 Channeled message from Divine Mother 

Here is link to the full 3-20 Spring Equinox Meditation and channeled messages:  https://youtu.be/EADXIv1ayqw

My dear children, it is I, your Divine Mother.  I am overjoyed to be with you this evening.  I am delighted to be with you this evening.  The frequencies of Divine Love are becoming stronger within each of you, and in turn they are becoming stronger within the Earth.  This allows the higher frequencies to be anchored more and more within the Earth.  This allows the frequencies of the Divine Feminine to be anchored within the Earth. This is the time; this is the season of fertility. This is when the womb calls forth new life. This is when the womb of Divine Mother calls for creativity, new life, birth, regeneration of all that is meant to grow, to expand, and to multiply. The womb of the feminine creates all. The womb of the feminine is the essence of life.  The womb of the feminine is the transformation of the Divine Love portal.

So, as you see, this breaking down of your old systems of these dark energies being destroyed and exposed, this makes way for new life to come in.  This makes way for the anchoring of the Divine Feminine to move through you, anchoring into the Earth to restore the much-needed balance of life on this Earth and within this Earth.

The energies of Love, the energies of creativity, of purity, of wisdom, beauty and grace, to bring in the balance of what this old paradigm, this old outdated system of the Dark that manipulated the Divine Masculine and patriarchy and it was attempted, not successful but attempted, to obliterate, subjugate, hide, mislead the power and truth of the Divine Feminine, this of course shall not stand!  The healing that is required is deep, yes.  These old systems are crumbling down, and the healing and the restoration of the Divine Feminine is rising forth, like the phoenix, like the beautiful Goddess, restoring these beautiful energies, bringing in the needed balance, as the Divine Masculine must be restored as well.

So, you see, the subjugation of the feminine most definitely occurred, but the reality is, the subjugation of the masculine has also occurred.  It is time to heal both.  It is time for the masculine to be healed; for the balance of the masculine to be restored.  Yes, the masculine can be the warrior, but the masculine can also create, and protect, and to be wise, and cultivate communities, not control communities, cultivate communities; cultivate the Oneness, cultivate this Divine partnership of creativity and unity consciousness, creating the flourishing of communities, not manipulating, controlling and destroying communities.

My dear ones, I share this truth with you because it is time; it this time for this to be exposed.  It’s time for the Light of Love to shine the Light of the Truth of Divine Masculine and Feminine, cultivating these Sacred energies, Sacred union of Divine Masculine and Feminine within yourselves, and within your societies.  Oh yes, it’s a big job indeed, but you all are in process.   You are magnificent Light beings.  You are in process.  You have been learning to support each other- Divine Feminine and Masculine, understanding more and more a balance of these energies within yourself, but accepting these, understanding these, in relationship and then in greater society.

These are the energies of the New Earth!  There will be no war.  There will be no violence.  There will be no weapons on the New Earth.  This is a cultivation of balance, of beauty, of sharing, in ways that you have yet to experience in this life, or many lives.  In the higher realms, this is how we exist, and you will remember that this is the New Earth, and you are each creating and cultivating this.  I am so grateful. My deepest love to you.  I hold you tenderly.  I am your Divine Mother.

PEACE WITHIN YOU BY LORD BUDDHA channeled by Regina Sisco

Channeled message from Lord Buddha March 9, 2022 through Regina Sisco


My dear brothers and sisters, it is I Lord Buddha, and I am overjoyed to be with you this evening; honored to be in your presence of those who carry this high frequency of Divine Love, of Purity and Innocence and Grace.  As you know, Peace happens within you.  Cultivating peace within yourself creates the ripple effect for peace around your planet.

I would like you to focus on the Sacred space within your heart – to your triple heart flame.  See it expand to your upper chest area.  I will be sharing a chant with you that you may use to bring Peace back to yourself when needed, and through intention, this may also be anchored into the Earth, into the ley lines, into the Christ Consciousness grid to expand the essence of Peace for all. CHANT BEGINS HERE:

I am the Light. I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light. I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light. I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself…. and you are welcome to join me …..  I am the Light.  I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light. I am the Love. I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light.  I am the Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light.  I am my Love.  I am the Peace within myself.  I am the Light.  I am the Love.  I am the Peace within the All.  

The Peace is within YOU!  It is nurtured and nourished by YOU.  Peace is cultivated by your choices, by your actions, just as you cultivate joy.  Peace within you, equanimity within you is equally as important as it assists you to maintain the higher vibration, higher frequency, providing stabilization that is needed during these times.  Peace within you is another aspect of the All, and as you are fully aware – You are One with the All and the All is One with you.   You are one with the Peace and the Peace is One with You. You are One with the All and the All is One with You.  You are One with the Peace, and the Peace is One with You. 

My Love and Gratitude to you, dear brothers and sisters for your commitment, for your loving and peaceful heart, to share and anchor these energies for all of your brothers and sisters, and the earth and beyond.  My love to you, I am Lord Buddha.




5 women jumping for joyWhat would if feel like to be free? Free from worry, struggle, stress, overwhelm, financial worries. Feeling out of balance, over whelmed, confused and at times powerless.

What if life were significantly easier? The financial worries are gone, relationship issues are cleared and healed, and you’re doing something you love? Can you imagine that? What if you had time to give back to children, animals, the earth, getting water to people who don’t have access. Did you know that there are still people on this earth that don’t have electricity or clean water- plumbing or in-home toilets? How is that even possible? Apple just came out with what Iphone 8? I don’t even know, I don’t have one. I heard it may cost $1000. What if we all pitched in say 100 to get water and electricity to these remote areas, so everyone has electricity, plumbing, running water in their home and a toilet?

We are all one. And I am not saying give up your cell phone but how about if we expand and start thinking beyond our selves or our immediate circle and start helping others.

Now our hearts open when we see the tragedy and devastation of the hurricanes, earthquakes and fires and we want to help others. It’s fantastic how kind-heated we are when we open our hearts to those in need.

How about if we keep it that way and keep helping each other consistently? Let’s not wait for a tragedy because it’s happening in our inner cities and around the world. We are all brothers and sisters. We really aren’t any different. We all love our families, our kids and we want them to do well. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is or what language you speak.

Let’s lift up above the fray and keep this going, no matter what negative fear the news wants to tell you. Have you realized yet that the news organizations just make stuff up? Some news is true to some extent and some of it just comes out of thin air. Use your discernment. If it doesn’t feel right or sound like the truth then listen to your gut and turn the channel. Meditate and ask for guidance and clarification. Be true to yourself and trust.

True Freedom comes from within you, not outside of you. Claim your freedom now, you deserve it!


Regina Sisco is a channel for the higher realms including the Elemental Kingdom, a Multi-dimensional Healer and Spiritual Life Coach helping her clients to Become Their Authentic Selves.


Are You Loveable? 4 Tips to Help You Feel Loveable – Part 4

womanleapinginairSee my previous blog

Here are some Relationship Indicators to let you know if you don’t feel loveable or deep down really don’t believe you deserve to be loved.

  1.  Do you feel insecure or needy when it comes to relationship? Do you hear yourself saying “I need someone to love me?” Or “Why am I still alone.”

Tip #4

Don’t be too hard on yourself if that is where your thoughts are in that particular moment. What could be some solutions to help you shift how you are feeling?

The feelings of neediness and insecurity come from unresolved issues of the past and any level of resolution that you can have with the past will be helpful.

If your needs were not met in a past relationship—and even with your parents, this lets you know that it is your job to meet your own needs, it’s not anyone else’s including a prospective partner. It’s your job to take care of yourself- physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

You can start meeting your needs by making decisions that feel good to you. Don’t just jump into things you really don’t want to do or that don’t feel good to you –especially to please someone else. I assure you that you are worthy of Love. And a real friend or partner will love you no matter what.

This is about you taking care of yourself. Practice things like self-kindness, positive self-talk, self-compassion. When you start paying attention and  making choices that feel good, your ‘neediness’ decreases because you are taking care of yourself. When you take care of yourself you are feeling better and better about you and your life. This also diminishes your insecurities because when you make good decisions it builds your self-confidence!

If you are alone right now- enjoy it. Nothing lasts forever, things always change and evolve.  The happier you are will allow you to attract a partner who is positive and happy too! Wouldn’t that feel fabulous?


 Regina Sisco is a certified Life & Relationship Coach. She is an expert with helping people transform their relationship suffering into self-acceptance and relationship bliss. Sign-up for my Free Gift! The Magic Touch – 5 Secrets To Successful Dating Tips on this page.



Being in the Presence of Love?

I_love_all_that_I_am copyDo you know what being in the presence of love feels like? It feels like honor, trust and surety. You are with a person you can rely on, someone who supports you no matter what is happening. Your partner doesn’t always have to agree with you, or even fully understand your position on something but knowing he/she is always there for you is the presence of love.

It’s a gift knowing you can have someone who shines their light for you and you for them. No one has to be right or wrong, it can be just what is – an experience in this moment in time when you or your partner are growing or releasing some old pattern that is no longer useful.

Being in the presence of love is holding the space of love for your partner and yourself – which may be a bit more challenging. The presence and space of love is no judgment or guilt or doubt. It is a space where all things are possible. Imagine what this feels like — a safe space for love.

Regina Sisco is a Relationship Coach and Divine Matchmaker™ who enjoys helping others to release fear and bring more love into their lives. Her website is www.reginasisco.com and her email is [email protected].


©All Rights Reserved 2014







Is Tenderness The Same As Intimacy?

love kissDo you know how to express tenderness in a relationship? Is tenderness the same as intimacy? Let’s say they go hand in hand. It’s letting yourself feel vulnerable and connected to your partner and with yourself. I know many women and men who do not like to feel vulnerable. It’s not safe, they feel too open and in the past when they have cared that much they were hurt and the wound was deep.

Does that mean you will never let yourself be vulnerable again or allow yourself to share an intimate tender moment with a partner? I certainly hope not because you are cutting yourself off from love – from giving and receiving love. You wouldn’t want to miss that tender touch, that brush of his or her lips across your neck, the melting of stress and the “yes” to love would you?

I hope your response is of course not! Life is to short not to experience the joys, the tenderness and the surprises of love. Saying yes to love takes courage and a commitment to your personal happiness.

Regina Sisco is a Relationship Coach and Divine Matchmaker™ who enjoys helping others to release fear and bring more love into their lives. Her website is www.reginasisco.com and her email is [email protected].

©All Rights Reserved 2014










Are You Ready To Date?

After a major break-up or divorce it takes time to heal and regain your equilibrium.  Many of my clients tell me that they want to be in a relationship again or be married again soon after the relationship has ended.  That’s a pleasant idea for down the road… but not too soon.

It’s important to give yourself time to heal and give yourself some perspective on what really happened.  He left you, you left him, and life goes on right? Yes it certainly does but what about the quality of your life?  What about the quality of your future relationship(s)?  That should matter to you.  We all know women and men who seem to hop from one relationship to the next without giving themselves time to assess—to really look at what worked and what didn’t work in the relationship.

We all have behavior patterns that are healthy and some that are not healthy at all, especially when it comes to relationships. Here are a few questions to reflect on:

–         Do you date the same type of person over and over?

–         How do you expect to be treated?

–         What do you want out of the relationship?

If you are ready for a committed relationship these things are important to consider.  What do you really want out of a relationship? Fun? Sex? Companionship?  Do you want commitment, intimacy, mutual support, respect and deep love?  If you do you have now just crossed over the line into work and commitment in the relationship to have that true divine union, trust, love, intimacy, and joy. It takes work, you have to know yourself and what you truly want in a relationship. It takes a mutual exchange and a mutual level of commitment – that give and take to support each other in your own individual growth and then as a couple.

The “knowing who you are and what you want” is critical. Women can sometimes loose themselves in the relationship and in their partner and no longer know who they are.  Before dating, be prepared– really to do your homework. There is nothing more important than your personal happiness!


Regina Sisco is a Relationship Wellness Expert and national internet Radio Show Host of Shining Bright on VoiceAmerica.com. For more information go to www.lifestreamholisticcoaching.com

Trusting Your Self

What’s the value of trusting yourself?  You trust your decisions, your confidence level is higher…what else?

What happens when you don’t trust yourself?  You can make rash decisions, or poor decisions, and you may end up getting mad at yourself or criticizing your decision.  Then what happens? That downward spiral of negative self talk, not feeling good about yourself or your choices, and the big one– not loving yourself happens.

How can you fix this or shift this downward spiral of not trusting yourself?  First, give yourself time to breathe before making decisions. Most of us are usually in a rush, what’s the quick action so I can move on to the next thing? And we are becoming so trained to have an immediate response with the internet, texting, social media etc…  We really forget to just slow down for a few moments and breathe.  Your choices are important – they impact the quality of your life and your relationship with yourself.

Second, place a higher value on your quality of life.  As you are giving yourself a few minutes to breathe before making a choice, you might realize you don’t know what you want to do. In that instance my motto is “do nothing.”  Give yourself sometime to let more information and clarity come to you. Go do something else. It doesn’t take that long maybe an hour, or a few days depending on how involved the situation is you are considering, but the clarity always comes. This results in you making a decision you feel good about that improves the quality of your life.

Third, giving yourself this time and space improves the relationship with yourself. You will be making better decisions and you will feel better about yourself.  Your confidence and self-esteem will grow—and best of all you will love yourself even more. That’s the goal – loving yourself even more and feeling full of your own self-love.  That’s what creates healthy relationships.  When each person loves themselves fully then there is not the expectation that “I need someone else to fill me up.”  The relationship or partnership is a compliment to you. The adventure is exploring how it is you compliment each other! Enjoy!

Regina Sisco is a Relationship Wellness Expert and national internet Radio Show Host of Shining Bright on VoiceAmerica.com. For more information go to www.lifestreamholisticcoaching.com


I have a client who wasn’t allowing herself to be treated respectfully in a relationship.  She thought she wasn’t good enough to have a man treat her well.  Since she didn’t value or respect herself, she sought men who treated her the same.  She became aware of her choices that she allowed men in, who in her words were “barely adequate.”  She realized that she viewed herself the same way and knew she had some inner work to do.

Why did she value herself so poorly?  She realized that the childhood abuse created many beliefs and programs that she wasn’t good enough or didn’t deserve much, and that’s how she began living her life. She didn’t deserve much, her own personal worth and value was low.  How did she begin to create the shift for herself?  She started letting go of the past by forgiving those in childhood and perhaps the tougher road of forgiving herself.

Then, I shared some techniques with her to help her release this old program of not valuing herself and to restore her self-esteem and self-respect.  She is fully aware now that her choices matter and that she matters.  When she settled based on past experiences she didn’t receive much.  Now as she is becoming more aware that she is not willing to settle with herself or in a relationship. She understands that she has more work to do.

She has a higher level of self-worth and wants to attract a better quality of life and men.  She respects herself more and sees that she is the driver and creator of her life. She is regaining her power and can now see the path before her.  She is reconnecting to her true self and beginning to allow self love in.

And take a deep breath- breathe that in-

Affirmations:  affirmations are positive statements to read and say outlook to help you maintain a positive outlook.

I know what it feels like to respect myself.  I am opening the door to self-love.


Regina Sisco is a Relationship Wellness Expert and national internet Radio Show Host of Shining Bright on VoiceAmerica.com. For more information go to www.lifestreamholisticcoaching.com


Do you like who you are?  Do you like how you look?  Are you smart enough or good enough?  Most of us have pretty tough self-critics.  Our self-critic is that voice in your head that is usually telling you what you are doing wrong.  Like “Are you really going to where that?”  How does that make you feel?  Not very good right?


So how do we quiet our self-critic?  We do this by accepting ourselves and loving ourselves.  We also do this by being willing to make a new choice.  If there is something we don’t like about ourselves we have a choice to change it or simply accept it as it is for now.  Most women I know don’t like something about them selves.  Let’s say someone is a little overweight.  They beat themselves up for not exercising, or eating better etc…


A way to change from the negative to the positive is by making a new choice.  In this scenario the new choice is I no longer want to beat myself up. Instead of the self-critic, the self-accepter shows up and sounds like this:


I choose to feel good about myself.

I will feel good about myself by taking a new action to change.

I choose to go for a 20-minute walk three times a week.

I choose to have healthy snacks in the house instead of junk food.

I accept who I am and who I want to become.

I feel good about my new choices and me.


The more we can accept ourselves in any given moment, the more we will love ourselves too. Self-loves inspires us to our best, confident self.




Regina Sisco is a Relationship Wellness Expert and national internet Radio Show Host of Shining Bright on VoiceAmerica.com. For more information go to www.lifestreamholisticcoaching.com