Are You Loveable? 4 Tips to Help You Feel Loveable – Part 4

womanleapinginairSee my previous blog

Here are some Relationship Indicators to let you know if you don’t feel loveable or deep down really don’t believe you deserve to be loved.

  1.  Do you feel insecure or needy when it comes to relationship? Do you hear yourself saying “I need someone to love me?” Or “Why am I still alone.”

Tip #4

Don’t be too hard on yourself if that is where your thoughts are in that particular moment. What could be some solutions to help you shift how you are feeling?

The feelings of neediness and insecurity come from unresolved issues of the past and any level of resolution that you can have with the past will be helpful.

If your needs were not met in a past relationship—and even with your parents, this lets you know that it is your job to meet your own needs, it’s not anyone else’s including a prospective partner. It’s your job to take care of yourself- physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

You can start meeting your needs by making decisions that feel good to you. Don’t just jump into things you really don’t want to do or that don’t feel good to you –especially to please someone else. I assure you that you are worthy of Love. And a real friend or partner will love you no matter what.

This is about you taking care of yourself. Practice things like self-kindness, positive self-talk, self-compassion. When you start paying attention and  making choices that feel good, your ‘neediness’ decreases because you are taking care of yourself. When you take care of yourself you are feeling better and better about you and your life. This also diminishes your insecurities because when you make good decisions it builds your self-confidence!

If you are alone right now- enjoy it. Nothing lasts forever, things always change and evolve.  The happier you are will allow you to attract a partner who is positive and happy too! Wouldn’t that feel fabulous?


 Regina Sisco is a certified Life & Relationship Coach. She is an expert with helping people transform their relationship suffering into self-acceptance and relationship bliss. Sign-up for my Free Gift! The Magic Touch – 5 Secrets To Successful Dating Tips on this page.



Are You Loveable? 4 Tips to Help You Feel Loveable – Part 2

heart candlesSee my previous blog

Here are some Relationship Indicators to let you know if you don’t feel loveable or deep down really don’t believe you deserve to be loved.

  1. Do you need to be in charge? Do you make all the arrangements? Do you ask for input from your partner? Or better still, do you dismiss the input from your partner?

Tip #2

It’s all about love isn’t it? What does loving behavior look like to you? How is love communicated? How does it feel?

The questions above describe someone with a ‘controlling’ personality or at least a strong ‘controlling’ characteristic. Someone who has to know it all, have all the answers, tells others what to do without asking or getting input. You have met that type of person before, right? You may have even been married to one? If you are perfectly honest, you have had some of those behaviors yourself too. Some of the time it is normal:  most of us have a little of that.

However, when it is overpowering, it is out of balance and a less than ideal way of treating another person. It’s disrespectful and inconsiderate. Why do some people behave that way? The short answer is they don’t love themselves very much. They are insecure and full of self-doubt. The controlling behavior is a mask to feel ‘strong’ because inside he/she does not feel that way at all.

Here are few tips to help change this behavior if you have these. Start by being kind to yourself. What is it that you don’t like about yourself? You might ask ‘How do I know what that is?’ Here’s an example. You might know someone that drives you crazy. What is it about that person that drives you crazy? That trait is something you have within yourself that you don’t like about you. Here’s the good news — you can change it!

Maybe your friend doesn’t listen and talks over people. This drives you crazy. Pay attention- do you do that to people? The answer is probably yes, or you do something similar. If you don’t like being treated that way, then don’t treat someone else that way. Make a new choice — this will require some positive self-talk “I am going to be patient when listening to others.” “I am going to slow down and be present, I am interested in what this person is sharing with me.” “I intend to listen with an open mind and not be judgmental or critical.” This is how you create change for the better and how you can change the things that you don’t like about yourself. Make new choices about how you want to feel in your life. Treat yourself better as well as the people around you.

Ask questions in a relationship, have dialogue, and ask for input. Asking questions and communicating is not a weakness:  its called consideration. When you treat yourself in a loving way, you will treat others in a loving way and will be treated that way in return. Love isn’t about control, it’s about sharing. And isn’t that what you seek, sharing and intimacy on all levels?


Regina Sisco is a certified Life & Relationship Coach. She is an expert with helping people transform their relationship suffering into self-acceptance and relationship bliss. Sign-up for my Free Gift! The Magic Touch – 5 Secrets To Successful Dating Tips.


Are You Loveable? 4 Tips to Help You Feel Loveable – Part 1

LoveThis is a follow-up to my previous blog.


  1. Do you give your power away in relationships? Do you let the other person make most of the decisions? Do you trust your own decisions?

Tip #1:

Why do you and others give their power away in relationships? It’s usually because you don’t feel secure or confident with your own decisions. How do you change that? It’s about believing in yourself more. Take a few minutes and write down the accomplishments in your life, there will be several. You made good-even great decisions to reach that accomplishment, correct? Absolutely! So even though you may not feel confident sometimes in a relationship, do this exercise to re-build your confidence and let that carry over into your relationship.  I am sure you have made a good decisions in relationship too, it’s just that human nature tends to focus on the negative instead of the positive. Take your power back and focus on the positive and all you have to give and offer.

 Relationships are about respect, trust, love and compromise. It also takes you showing up and being an active participant in the relationship. It takes two people to make it work, are you ready to experience something different and magnificently better?




Regina Sisco is a certified Life & Relationship Coach. She is an expert with helping people transform their relationship suffering into self-acceptance and relationship bliss.

Are You Loveable? 4 Tips to Help You Feel Loveable

Here are some Relationship Indicators to let you know if you don’t feel loveable or deep down really don’t believe you deserve to be loved.

1. Do you give your poweholding handsr away in relationships? Do you let the other person make most of the decisions? Do you trust your own decisions?
2. Do you need to be in charge? Do you make all the arrangements? Do you ask for input from your partner? Or better still, do you dismiss the input from your partner?
3. When you feel the relationship is getting hard and communication is difficult for you, do you sabatoge the relationship (have bad behavior like saying or doing something cruel) so the other person will end it?
4. Do you feel insecure or needy when it comes to relationship? Do you hear yourself saying “I need someone to love me.” Or “Why am I still alone.”

During this month of Love in February I will be giving weekly tips to answer these four Relationship Indicators. Share your stories with me and I will provide advice directly to you on my blog.

Regina Sisco is a certified Life & Relationship Coach. She is an expert with helping people transform their relationship suffering into self-acceptance and relationship bliss. Regina can be reached at [email protected].


Being in the Presence of Love?

I_love_all_that_I_am copyDo you know what being in the presence of love feels like? It feels like honor, trust and surety. You are with a person you can rely on, someone who supports you no matter what is happening. Your partner doesn’t always have to agree with you, or even fully understand your position on something but knowing he/she is always there for you is the presence of love.

It’s a gift knowing you can have someone who shines their light for you and you for them. No one has to be right or wrong, it can be just what is – an experience in this moment in time when you or your partner are growing or releasing some old pattern that is no longer useful.

Being in the presence of love is holding the space of love for your partner and yourself – which may be a bit more challenging. The presence and space of love is no judgment or guilt or doubt. It is a space where all things are possible. Imagine what this feels like — a safe space for love.

Regina Sisco is a Relationship Coach and Divine Matchmaker™ who enjoys helping others to release fear and bring more love into their lives. Her website is and her email is [email protected].


©All Rights Reserved 2014







Is Tenderness The Same As Intimacy?

love kissDo you know how to express tenderness in a relationship? Is tenderness the same as intimacy? Let’s say they go hand in hand. It’s letting yourself feel vulnerable and connected to your partner and with yourself. I know many women and men who do not like to feel vulnerable. It’s not safe, they feel too open and in the past when they have cared that much they were hurt and the wound was deep.

Does that mean you will never let yourself be vulnerable again or allow yourself to share an intimate tender moment with a partner? I certainly hope not because you are cutting yourself off from love – from giving and receiving love. You wouldn’t want to miss that tender touch, that brush of his or her lips across your neck, the melting of stress and the “yes” to love would you?

I hope your response is of course not! Life is to short not to experience the joys, the tenderness and the surprises of love. Saying yes to love takes courage and a commitment to your personal happiness.

Regina Sisco is a Relationship Coach and Divine Matchmaker™ who enjoys helping others to release fear and bring more love into their lives. Her website is and her email is [email protected].

©All Rights Reserved 2014










Day Four – Love Inspiration Delightful Love

heart backgroundClose your eyes and take a slow deep breath in and let it out. Take another deep breath in and breathe in the sensation of Delight! When you think about delight what do you feel?  It always brings a smile to my face. It feels light and playful and brings back memories of sheer delightful experiences from my childhood or through my life. A delightful memory is making snow angels in my yard as a kid.

All through my life even as an adult I have made snow angels –just like I did a few days ago! I had a huge smile on my face as I looked up into the clear blue sky and was soaked from lying in the cold snow. I giggled all the way back into the house!

What brings you delight? And what delightful memories bring that joyful playful smile to you?  What delightful experiences can you create now?

Regina Sisco is a Relationship Coach and Divine Matchmaker™ who enjoys helping others bring more love into their lives. Her website is and her email is [email protected].


©All Rights Reserved 2014

February The Month Of Love 28 Days Of Divine Love Inspiration

heart background    We all know February is the month of Love. Yes it’s about romantic love and sharing that love with another. And it’s also about loving yourself, because if you don’t have a high level of self-love then you won’t have the amazing high quality relationship that you seek if you are single. If you are in a love relationship, this month is an excellent time to renew and rejuvenate your intimacy, communication, and how you treat each other. This month you can set  “the bar” that you hold your relationship up to all year.

I am so excited to share my Divine Love Inspiration with you this month.


Day One – Love Inspiration – Trusting Love

The foundation of every relationship is trust and it needs to be nurtured all the time. You need to develop trust for yourself everyday and if you are in a relationship or want to be in a relationship trust needs to be cultivated daily with your partner.

Why is that? Because most people have been hurt or betrayed somewhere in life, and yes this heals over time but the old wound can be triggered unknowingly at the blink of an eye. Trust provides reassurance when old fears come up. You’ve heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” To sustain and grow trust in a relationship your loving actions will show your partner how much you mean to them. And if you are single your loving actions to yourself reinforces your own self-love and self-trust and that is priceless!

Regina Sisco is a Relationship Coach and Divine Matchmaker™ who enjoys helping others bring more love into their lives. Her website is and her email is [email protected].


©All Rights Reserved 2014


February 1-28, 2014

Are you tired of the ‘same old, same old’ in your life? Are you feeling unsatisfied or frustrated with the lack of love or low quality love in your life? Or are you just simply afraid of love and intimacy? Been hurt too many times before and don’t want to go there again?
Here’s my challenge to you! Instead of hiding behind the fear, how about if you break through the fear and let yourself be free to move forward and say Yes to the possibility of Love in your life. Don’t you deserve more joy, happiness and tenderness in your life? Of course you do.
Here’s my challenge.  Sign-up for my free Say Yes To Love 30-minute session where you have the opportunity of being EXCITED TO LOVE again.  Sign-up at [email protected].  I will take the first 28 people to sign-up. Don’t wait, these slots will fill up quickly. Say ‘Yes’ To Love now! Email me at

Are You Afraid To Opt-In To A Healthy Relationship?

What’s holding you back? Not meeting the right person, afraid of being hurt again, or the person has too many issues to deal with?

You do know there is “no” perfect relationship out there don’t you?  Relationships are work and they are rewarding when two people share their love, their joy and their ups and downs in life. Life throws each of us curve balls. What matters is how you handle them. You can resist them which causes pain and suffering.  Or you can roll with them and learn the lessons the situation is bringing to you and as a result you can grow and evolve. When you do that you can be a better person, then you can love yourself even more. When you love yourself more you will attract a partner who loves you even more.

This is life and life in a relationship can feel like a seesaw. My husband and I joke that we do well when one of us is working through a challenge because we have the other one their for support. If both of us are facing challenges then it gets a little tricky on how to manage my own feelings and being able to be objective and listen with an open mind to his challenges.

How do I do that?  I have learned how to do it. I can connect within to know the truth about my own situation and then make the choices that will solve it and then I can hold space for my husband so he can do the same. Doing this takes the ‘emotional charge’ out of the situation and we each can connect to a space of truth. It also takes practice.

We each have the capability of loving many people at one time – we do it every day. Our heart spaces are very big! What’s important is loving your self and taking care of yourself first. This allows you to keep that clear space for your partner or the one that you CAN allow in. You have permission to Opt-In and experience a healthy, fun life and a lasting relationship with a dynamic life partner.


If you are feeling doubtful email me at [email protected] or call me at 720-771-1116to talk about it. Thanks, Regina