Individual Services
Getting Started
Please contact me by phone or email so I can understand your needs and serve
you in the best possible way.
I will target the area that you are seeking to have help with so that you can feel relief and have greater clarity and peace of mind.
Call me at 720-771- 1116 or email to: [email protected]. Thank you, I look forward to
hearing from you.

Individual Theta Healing sessions provide healing and transformation for the following
- Improving/Trusting Your Intuition
- Feeling more Spiritually Connected
- Reclaiming Yourself
- Feeling More Empowered
- Building Self Trust
- Clearing Anger/resentment
- Dissolving Low self-worth/self- esteem
- Rebuilding Confidence
- Restoring Self-Love
- Clarity, Balance, Stability
- Renewing Physical Health
- Cultivating Self-Acceptance
The client often experiences a relaxed peaceful state, during the session. The Theta Healing® process is very helpful in healing the relationship with the self, and healing issues of past relationships with family, love relationships, friendships or any other type of relationship.
Individual Sessions include:
- Intuitive Coaching with Healing, provides release of blocks and fears that are holding
you back from reaching your goals or full potential.
- Spiritual Life Coaching for personal, life and relationship issues that are causing stress
and imbalance.
- Theta Healing sessions, provides a gentle healing and clearing of past issues and
blocks, restores balance and internal joy.
- Thought Field Therapy (TFT ) is a tapping sequence to release emotional triggers like
severe anxiety, panic attacks, grief etc.
All individual sessions are one-hour. 30-minutes healing sessions are available for existing clients only. See Paypal drop down menu here: