Tag Archive for: Starseed Consciousness: Teachings by Divine Mother 2022

DIVINE LOVE AND THE NEW EARTH channeled message by Regina Sisco

3-20-22 Channeled message from Divine Mother 

Here is link to the full 3-20 Spring Equinox Meditation and channeled messages:  https://youtu.be/EADXIv1ayqw

My dear children, it is I, your Divine Mother.  I am overjoyed to be with you this evening.  I am delighted to be with you this evening.  The frequencies of Divine Love are becoming stronger within each of you, and in turn they are becoming stronger within the Earth.  This allows the higher frequencies to be anchored more and more within the Earth.  This allows the frequencies of the Divine Feminine to be anchored within the Earth. This is the time; this is the season of fertility. This is when the womb calls forth new life. This is when the womb of Divine Mother calls for creativity, new life, birth, regeneration of all that is meant to grow, to expand, and to multiply. The womb of the feminine creates all. The womb of the feminine is the essence of life.  The womb of the feminine is the transformation of the Divine Love portal.

So, as you see, this breaking down of your old systems of these dark energies being destroyed and exposed, this makes way for new life to come in.  This makes way for the anchoring of the Divine Feminine to move through you, anchoring into the Earth to restore the much-needed balance of life on this Earth and within this Earth.

The energies of Love, the energies of creativity, of purity, of wisdom, beauty and grace, to bring in the balance of what this old paradigm, this old outdated system of the Dark that manipulated the Divine Masculine and patriarchy and it was attempted, not successful but attempted, to obliterate, subjugate, hide, mislead the power and truth of the Divine Feminine, this of course shall not stand!  The healing that is required is deep, yes.  These old systems are crumbling down, and the healing and the restoration of the Divine Feminine is rising forth, like the phoenix, like the beautiful Goddess, restoring these beautiful energies, bringing in the needed balance, as the Divine Masculine must be restored as well.

So, you see, the subjugation of the feminine most definitely occurred, but the reality is, the subjugation of the masculine has also occurred.  It is time to heal both.  It is time for the masculine to be healed; for the balance of the masculine to be restored.  Yes, the masculine can be the warrior, but the masculine can also create, and protect, and to be wise, and cultivate communities, not control communities, cultivate communities; cultivate the Oneness, cultivate this Divine partnership of creativity and unity consciousness, creating the flourishing of communities, not manipulating, controlling and destroying communities.

My dear ones, I share this truth with you because it is time; it this time for this to be exposed.  It’s time for the Light of Love to shine the Light of the Truth of Divine Masculine and Feminine, cultivating these Sacred energies, Sacred union of Divine Masculine and Feminine within yourselves, and within your societies.  Oh yes, it’s a big job indeed, but you all are in process.   You are magnificent Light beings.  You are in process.  You have been learning to support each other- Divine Feminine and Masculine, understanding more and more a balance of these energies within yourself, but accepting these, understanding these, in relationship and then in greater society.

These are the energies of the New Earth!  There will be no war.  There will be no violence.  There will be no weapons on the New Earth.  This is a cultivation of balance, of beauty, of sharing, in ways that you have yet to experience in this life, or many lives.  In the higher realms, this is how we exist, and you will remember that this is the New Earth, and you are each creating and cultivating this.  I am so grateful. My deepest love to you.  I hold you tenderly.  I am your Divine Mother.

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