Laughter, Fun and Play

ImageI hope you are enjoying your summer!  Do you remember being a kid and how summers seemed to last forever?  Now as an adult they certainly seem to be zooming by!  I wanted to remind you how good laughter is for us, and sometimes how we might forget to laugh.  I find it amusing when I can laugh at myself for the some of the crazy things I decide to do like listening to my self-critic!  That’s always a good indicator to me, when my self-critic is talking loud, to step back and laugh with myself.  As adults we can all take “things” so seriously, it’s that reminder to have fun and play especially now in the summer.  Even when I’m not really sure what all those “things” are!

I love going for a hike and walking by water, it’s so refreshing and cleansing.  Breathing in fresh air, sitting by the water and enjoying nature.  This is one of my favorite things to do it’s relaxing, revitalizing and fun all in one visit.

It’s important to take time for self-rejuvenation, and being out in nature is one of the best ways to do that.  Do something fun this weekend and enjoy the laughter!

Regina Sisco is a Relationship Wellness Expert and national internet Radio Show Host of Shining Bright on For more information go to


Do you like who you are?  Do you like how you look?  Are you smart enough or good enough?  Most of us have pretty tough self-critics.  Our self-critic is that voice in your head that is usually telling you what you are doing wrong.  Like “Are you really going to where that?”  How does that make you feel?  Not very good right?


So how do we quiet our self-critic?  We do this by accepting ourselves and loving ourselves.  We also do this by being willing to make a new choice.  If there is something we don’t like about ourselves we have a choice to change it or simply accept it as it is for now.  Most women I know don’t like something about them selves.  Let’s say someone is a little overweight.  They beat themselves up for not exercising, or eating better etc…


A way to change from the negative to the positive is by making a new choice.  In this scenario the new choice is I no longer want to beat myself up. Instead of the self-critic, the self-accepter shows up and sounds like this:


I choose to feel good about myself.

I will feel good about myself by taking a new action to change.

I choose to go for a 20-minute walk three times a week.

I choose to have healthy snacks in the house instead of junk food.

I accept who I am and who I want to become.

I feel good about my new choices and me.


The more we can accept ourselves in any given moment, the more we will love ourselves too. Self-loves inspires us to our best, confident self.




Regina Sisco is a Relationship Wellness Expert and national internet Radio Show Host of Shining Bright on For more information go to