I have two offers that Divine Mother is bringing to us – her Divine Service and Love for us all.
They are:
- Personal New Year’s Message & Blessing. Divine Mother would like to share a Personalized Message and Blessing for the New Year with you. She will give you a message that is pertinent to your evolution with her wisdom, clarity and guidance for this New Year and a Blessing to uplift and support you. You will be held in her full embrace of Divine Love – what a wonderful gift from her! This is a 30-minute session and will be recorded. Cost $55.00 Offer ends Jan 29, 2024.
This could also make a great Christmas gift. Gift certificates are available.
- Nourish Your Soul/Clearing Core Issues Session with Divine Mother. It’s a new year and time to release the past. What’s been weighing you down? Lack of confidence/self-love, feeling stuck or not good enough? Now is the time to let go of these Core Issues! If you are carrying these issues or similar consider this special offer Divine Mother has asked me to share. A one-hour session to clear Core-issues for $124 (through healing or life coaching). This special is good until January 29, 2024. Step into the New Year free of burdens, feeling confident, loving yourself more and moving forward with clarity and ease! Time to uplift your Spirit, and start the New Year in a positive, joyful way!
You can purchase more than one session as long as they are used by Feb 2, 2024.
- Act now to receive the deep Divine Love that Divine Mother has for you this special New Year time!
You can pay here through PayPal below. Email me at [email protected] or text/call at 720-771-1116 to schedule.
The energies coming into the planet and us have been incredible which is really accelerating the awakening process and our ascension which is fantastic. It takes a lot of focus, meditation and releasing to heal and be able to integrate these high frequency energies. You may have felt out of balance or off kilter, I have at times with the strength of these energies. Along with many old memories coming through. Divine Mother has explained to me that these high energies bring in a time now of releasing the past wounds, beliefs, negative self-talk, especially before and or shortly after the Solstice. The more that can be cleared the easier it will be to integrate the new and step into the New Year grounded in these new higher frequencies. Divine Mother is offering her full support to us. Take advantage and sign-up now!
Thank you!